Sintmol Lab research advisor publishes with Nobel Prize

Postado por: Beatriz

Professor Roberto da Silva Gomes has just published a scientific paper in collaboration to the 1990 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Professor E. J. Corey.

The paper Synthesis of Chiral Cyclic Alcohols from Chiral Epoxides by H or N Substitution with Frontside Displacement was published in the Organic Letters journal of ACS, one of the most important scientific journals in the field of ​​synthesis and synthetic methodology. This paper is fruit of the scientific work he has been developing as a Visiting Professor since July 2017 in association with Prof. Corey’s research group at Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Prof. Gomes said that “It has been an honor work with Prof. Corey, considered as a worldwide watershed in Organic Chemistry, he is definitely brilliant, and I am improving my knowledge unaccountable times more working close to him”.

Dr. Gomes is a Professor at UFGD and a member of the PPGQUIMICA at UFMS, developing works in partnership with the professors of the SINTMOL Laboratory. In this partnership he has already trained masters and doctors and currently supervises two PhD students in chemistry at Sintmol Lab.


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