This laboratory is equipped to bioassay natural and synthetic organic compounds, particularly to explore features related to:
- antibacterial activity
- larvicidal properties
- antioxidant ability
- tyrosinase inhibition
- acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition
Enzymes and microorganisms are employed to biotransform and biocatalyze organic substrates (bioactive or otherwise) to trigger or potentiate biological activity.
Molecular bioprospection
The research activities are aimed at bioprospecting of novel bioactive molecules (peptides and/or small molecules) from fungi and value added products for providing better human and animal health. The focus is mainly on finding the solutions for drug resistant infections (bacterial and fungi).
Production of antibiotics
Antibiotic production by microorganisms is one of their more interesting features, particularly from a medical and commercial point of view. Penicillins and cephalosporins belong to the class of drugs known as β-lactams. Naturally produced penicillins by Penicillium chrysogenum are classified as 1st generation. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations are all semi-synthetic obtained from chemical synthesis starting from 6-APA. The cephalosporins in clinical use are semi-synthetic derivatives of 7-ACA, obtained from cephalosporin C, produced by Acremonium chrysogenum. Semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins continue to interest many research groups to discover new antibiotics that may tackle super bacteria. 6-APA and 7-ACA are essential starting materials used in studies on the synthesis of the β-lactams drugs. We are interested in producing 6-APA and 7-ACA by biotechnological processes.
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic biology (SynBio) is a multidisciplinary science that combines engineering principles with biology to create new biological parts, devices, and systems, or to redesign existing systems from nature. Synthetic biology is an expanding field that is divided into two main areas. The first area focuses on using artificial molecules to mimic emergent behaviors seen in natural biology, with the aim of creating artificial life. The second area involves isolating interchangeable components from natural systems to build new systems that exhibit non-natural behaviors. Both areas strive to develop innovative systems with modular components that can function autonomously at the molecular level, a challenge that is more complex than in the macroscopic world. This field advances our understanding of how chemical and genetic interactions lead to emergent properties by creating living chemical systems and new organisms. Scientists have engineered synthetic genetic systems capable of Darwinian evolution, offering insights into the chemical limits of genetic frameworks. Additionally, synthetic biologists have designed “toy” organisms and systems, such as an oscillation system and a molecular automaton that can play tic-tac-toe. The field also explores advanced strategies for designing metabolic pathways and manipulating genetic elements to produce essential compounds, like antibiotic precursors and polymers. While nucleic acids have achieved success in creating interchangeable parts, amino acids and protein structures have not yet reached the same level of success. Although using interchangeable genetic elements is possible, it comes with its own set of challenges. The development of synthetic chemical systems capable of Darwinian evolution links inanimate matter with living organisms, but also raises concerns about potential malicious uses of this technology.
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