Former biologist member from the Sintmol research lab becomes a professor at UFAM
Dr. Alisson Meza
Dr. Alisson Meza (photo), a former member of Sintmol Lab, as a Ph.D student has is the newest Assistant Professor at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Amazonas, Brazil.
The team at the Sintmol Lab is proud and wants to take the opportunity to congratulate Professor Alisson for this important achievement.
More about Dr. Meza
Professor Alisson Meza Novais obtained a degree in Biology at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) in 2008, starting his research activities in Sintmol lab in 2007, under supervision of professor Adilson Beatriz. Once in the research team, the biology student worked with organic synthesis research, but also studied biotransformation and biological activities essays in the team, based on his knowledge formation.
After obtained his degree in Biology, Alisson started a Master course in Organic Chemistry at UFMS, where studied the synthesis of resorcinolic lipids, specifically the synthesis of new bioactive cytosporones. Through his work, the research team was able to synthesize many analogues of cytosporones with anticancer activity, and also cytosporones as adjuvants of antineoplastic drugs.
In 2011, the biologist obtained his master’s degree and initiated in the same year his PhD studies. As a PhD researcher, Alisson not only worked with bioactive cytosporones, but also synthesized organic polymers for biomedical application in drug delivery. In this context, Alisson stayed a year at the Ricardo Riguera and Eduardo Megía group, in USC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where was able to synthesize PIC micelles particles from GATG dendrimers with control of size and stability. Once in Brazil, Dr. Alisson obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 2015.
During his activities at SintMol group, Dr. Alisson was engaged with the supervision of several undergraduate students, as participated as auxiliary professor in UFMS. In 2017, the biologist was approved for teaching at Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG, as a temporary professor, being after that hired by College Center Anhanguera at Campo Grande, MS.
In face of his background formation, Dr. Alisson taught at Anhanguera for many undergraduate courses in diverse assignments of Biological, Health and Chemistry Sciences during past three years. General and Organic Chemistry, Cell and Molecular Science, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Pathology and Human Physiology were some of the assignments under his responsibility at the college. Also, Dr. Alisson actively participated of extension projects, conferences and minicourses, and supervised several students in chemistry and microbiology practices in clinical and research laboratories.
One of the major obstacles for the consolidation of his scientific carrier in Brazil was the difference between the undergraduate and PhD degrees titles acquired by Dr. Alisson. Unfortunately, several universities and research centers in Brazil maintain severe segregation of researchers based on a full and unique area formation, including the undergraduate studies. As a biologist, Alisson was able to voluntary just for a few university places in Brazil, what is totally contradictory to the so important interdisciplinary philosophy in science.
In 2019, the biologist signed up for a teaching opportunity at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM) for Biological and Organic Chemistry, taking into account the structure of the vacancy in accordance with his formation. Even without the undergraduate requirements, Dr. Alisson was meritorious approved, but prevented to enter the university because of his undergraduate formation. After a huge favorable judicial decision, Alisson was successfully vested at Chemistry Department in UFAM as associate professor of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry in 2020, at Manaus city.
Dr. Alisson Meza researches on synthesis and transformation of organic molecules for Medicinal Chemistry, including biotransformation techniques, focusing on the synthesis of antimicrobial and antitumor active compounds. Due to his formation, Alisson has the knowledge for execute biological essays and organic synthesis techniques very well. Also, the biologist has been interested in endophyte microorganisms isolation for bioactive natural products prospection and for searching biotransformation candidates for organic synthesis.
Some of the most relevant papers published by Alisson with Sintmol Lab group are listed below.
Zamberlam, C. E. M.; Meza, A.; Leite, C. B.; Marques, M. R.; de Lima, D. P.; Beatriz, A. Total synthesis and allelopathic activity of cytosporones A-C. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 23, 124, 2012.
Navarro, S. D.; Beatriz, A.; Meza, A.; Pesarini, J. R.; Gomes, R. S.; Karaziack, C. B.; Cunha-Laura, A. L.; Monreal, A. C. D.; Romão, W.; Lacerda Júnior, V.; Mauro, M. O.; Oliveira, R. J. A new synthetic resorcinolic lipid 3-heptyl-3,4,6-trimethoxy-3H-isobenzofuran-1-one: Evaluation of toxicology and ability to potentiate the mutagenic and apoptotic effects of cyclophosphamide. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 75, 132, 2014.
Oliveira, R. J.; Navarro, S. D.; de Lima, D. P.; Meza, A.; Pesarini, J. R.; Gomes, R. S.; Karaziack, C. B.; Mauro, M. O.; Cunha-Laura, A. L.; Monreal, A. C. D.; Romão, W; Lacerda Júnior, V.; Beatriz, A. A novel cytosporone 3-heptyl-4,6-dihydroxy-3H-isobenzofuran-1-one: synthesis; toxicological, apoptotic and immunomodulatory properties; and potentiation of mutagenic damage. BMC Cancer, 15, 561, 2015.
Meza, A.; dos Santos, E. A.; Gomes, R. S.; de Lima, D. P.; Beatriz, A. Cytosporones and related compounds, a review: isolation, biosynthetis, synthesis and biological activity of promising fungal resorcinolic lipids. Curr. Org. Synt., 12, 618, 2015.
Navarro, S. D.; Pessatto, L. R.; Meza, A; Oliveira, E. J. T.; Auharek, S. A.; Vilela, L. C.; de Lima, D. P.; Azevedo, R. B. A.; Kassuya, C. A. L.; Cáceres, O. I. A.; Gomes, R. S.; Beatriz, A.; Oliveira, R. J; Martines, M. A. U. Resorcinolic lipid 3-heptyl-3,4,6-trimethoxy-3H-isobenzofuran-1-one is a strategy for melanoma treatment. Life Sci., 209, 300, 2018.