Accepted paper in Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Fungal Bioremediation of Pollutant Aromatic Amines

Postado por: Beatriz

Fungal Bioremediation of Pollutant Aromatic Amines

Dênis P. de Lima, Edson dos A. dos Santos, Maria R. Marques, Giovana C. Giannesi, Adilson Beatriz, Murilo K.A. Yonekawa, Arthur dos S. Montanholi


This review addresses recent advances in fungal bioremediation of distinct pollutant aromatic amines (AAs) and their derivatives. AAs are toxic organic compounds used as intermediate for the production of several chemicals often released into the environment causing harmful impacts and health problems to humans and other animals. Although fungi proved successful in biotechnological approaches, including environmental decontamination, they still merit further attention. An efficient fungal bioremediation generates less-toxic, inert or fully degraded compounds. Thus, understanding degradation metabolic pathways of contaminants and their breakdown products is important to decide on the best methodology to employ in different polluted ecosystems.

Available online 28 March 2018: 

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